Originally delivered on 3/12/2024 3:01 pm

SUBJECT: LCHS 9-12 PTSA: All the News You Need!

President's Message

Dear Family,

It’s hard to believe that it was four years ago this week that our schools had to close down as the Covid pandemic began.  I am so grateful that we have come through that time and can truly enjoy and appreciate the experiences we have together as a school community.  And, this week there is a lot to experience together!  

On Thursday evening, March 14th, we will honor the Founders Day winners from throughout the district.  The awards reception will begin at 6:30 pm in the Auditorium.  Please join us to celebrate these outstanding individuals.  

We will also have the Multicultural Fair on Friday, March 15th, from 6-8:00 pm in the south quad area. Then, Saturday, March 16th, from 8am-12pm we’ll have our annual Servathon, school clean-up day.  

I hope to see many of you on campus at these events!  And, at our PTSA meeting next Thursday, March 21st at 8:45 am. 

Please reach out with any questions to ptapresident@lchsptsa.org.

With warm regards,
Christine Chant
LCHS PTSA President

Next PTSA Meeting is Thursday the 21st

Our next PTSA meeting will be on Thursday, 21st at 8:45am in the Cafeteria. There will be coffee and light snacks served! 

Featured speakers will be the College and Career Center counselors with important information to share.

If you can't be there in person, then you can  join us via Zoom! Just click here to register and you will be sent all the details on joining the call.

Multicultural Fair is happening on March 15th!

LCHS Multicultural Fair on March 15, 2024, 6-8 pm at LCHS South Quad - The LCHS multicultural fair will take place on Friday, March 15 from 6-8. All are welcome!

Come learn and enjoy student performance and 18 groups presenting information about countries or their table about other attributes of identity. This is a celebration of our rich campus diversity and the energy and creativity of our students. 

Mr. Cartnal also asks that you stop by and say hi when you are at the multicultural fair. 

Slate for the 2024-25 LCHS PTSA Executive Board

The following slate for the 2024-25 La Cañada High School PTSA Executive Board was presented at the general meeting on February 15, 2024 by the nominating committee.  Voting will take place at the annual election meeting on March 21, 2024.  Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the annual election meeting.  If there is only one nominee for any office, the ballot for that office may be dispensed with and the election held by voice vote.

Position                                               Name

President                                             Valerie Talbert

1st VP, Programs                                Keisha Wilcox* with assistant, Sheila Dunbar*

2nd VP, Ways and Means                 Karen Clark* with assistant DeDe Cook

3rd VP, Volunteers                             Lynley Gross with assistant Joyce Mayne

4th VP, Communications                  Christina Conwell*

5th VP, Hospitality                             Natascha Gundersen* with assistant Christa Evans

6th VP, Membership                          Holly Biondo* with assistant Jamie Abrahamian*

Recording Secretary                          Patty Whong*

Corresponding Secretary                 Tiffany Petroc

EVP                                                       Vera Ma

Treasurer                                             Cathy Kleineahlbrandt*

Financial Secretary                            Connie Millar with assistant Desiree Dzirgout

Auditor                                                 Rose Park*

Historian                                             Caroline Anderson*

Parliamentarian                                 Christine Chant

*returning for a second year

Spring Home Tour Needs Your Help!

Please mark your calendars for our annual Servathon, coming up on Saturday, March 16th from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. It’s a fun day to come together to clean up and beautify our campus. All students and parents are encouraged to come, students can earn service hours.

 Drinks, donuts, and pizza will be served. See the flier and sign-up link below.

Servathon Sign Up

La Canada High School Athletics is excited to host our first annual Golf Tournament! Come out to support the rich tradition and history of La Canada Athletics, on Friday April 12th at Brookside Golf Course beginning at 8:00 am. Every year we have over 1,000 students who participate in the 22 different sports that we offer. These students commit their time and energy to participate in the sports they love, while representing our community out in the world. As an entity that relies solely on fundraising, we are grateful for the support from our San Gabriel Valley community. Funds raised from this years event will go toward updating our Athletic Training room, and supporting the installation of a new fully digital Score Board in Spartan Stadium. 

You can register here for the golf tournament! Please reach out with questions to Sarah Beattie at sbeattie@lcusd.net or Sarah Henriod at shenriod@lcusd.net.

You can also visit our website by by clicking here

Register today, spots are limited! Thank you for your support!

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